PH Azkals Vs UFL

Azkals Vs UFLAzkals faced the All-Star selection of the United Football League (UFL) in an exhibition match held at the University of Makati football field Sunday. The newly formed UFL All-Star team gave Philippine Azkals a cold reality check after the Sudanese striker Izo El-Habbib gave the UFL a 4-3 lead over the PH Azkals. El-Habbib, who plays for Global Smartmatic, hit a crashing shot from a very tight angle that broke the PH Azkals hearts. A crowd of 10,000 gathered at the University of Makati to watch the friendly match between Azkals and UFL.

Aside from El-Habbib, Eric Dagroh also scored twice and Mark Hartmann also added another goal for the UFL All-Stars. The friendly match game showed gaps on the Azkals defense which they need to work on if they want to reach success that they are aiming for.

“I’m a little disappointed,” Azkals coach Michael Weiss said and added “Its an indication that we have to improve. We lost a match that we shouldn’t have lost.”

The PH Azkals are preparing for their 2014 Fifa World Cup Qualifying first-round home-and-away against Sri Lanka. Azkals Vs Sri Lanka will be on June 29 and July 3 at Rizal Stadium.

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